Cantabella 2025 Spring Concert
1PM concert features students in grades K-5
(CTC-1, CTC-2, CTC-3)
Tickets: Click HERE
1PM concert features students in grades K-5
(CTC-1, CTC-2, CTC-3)
Tickets: Click HERE
4PM concert features students in grades 5-12
(Children's Choir, Chamber Choir, Honors Choir)
Tickets: Click HERE
4PM concert features our students in grades 5-12
(Children's Choir, Chamber Choir, Honors Choir)
Click HERE to purchase tickets.
1PM concert features our students in grades K-5
(CTC-1, CTC-2, and CTC-3 students)
Click HERE to purchase tickets
See Cantabella before they head off to tour Ireland
Spring concert featuring our middle school and high school choristers.
Click HERE to purchase tickets
Spring concert featuring our choristers in grades K-5 (CTC-1, CTC-2, andCTC-3)
CLick HERE to purchase tickets
Click HERE for more information.
4PM Concert features our middle and high school students
To purchase tickets, please click HERE
1PM Concert features our elementary school age students
To purchase tickets, click HERE
4PM Concert features our middle and high school students
Click HERE to download concert program
1PM Concert features our elementary school-age students.
Click HERE to download concert program
Artists Reception and Awards Featuring Cantabella Children's Chorus
Firehouse Theater 4444 Railroad Avenue Pleasanton
4PM Concert featuring our middle and high school students
To purchase tickets, please click HERE
To download program, please click HERE
1PM Concert featuring our elementary school students
To purchase tickets, please click HERE
To download program, please click HERE
Concert featuring our middle and high school choristers.
Click HERE to purchase tickets.
Click HERE to download program for concert
Concert featuring our elementary-aged choristers.
Click HERE to purchase tickets.
Click HERE to download program for concert
Email marcia@cantabella.org for link to virtual concert.
If you enjoy the performance, we would invite you to support this performance by donating below: